When buying books, you may have noticed that they’re generally divided into paperback and hardcover. While these terms are relatively common, you may be wondering what, exactly, they mean. What are...
Category: Reading
If you’re looking for excitement, adventure, and drama all in one series, the Hunger Games books are definitely for you. Here, you will take a trip to the dystopian world of the nation of Panem,...
Every time a book is adapted as a movie or a television show, one of the first things people will argue about is how well the adaptation performs compared to the book. Dune is no different—the 2021...
The first Star Wars publication came out in 1976, almost a year before the first movie. Since then, different writers have written books and novels as prequels, sequels, and spinoffs. So, how many...
I often wonder why authors break books into chapters. I’ve yet to come across a book written exclusively in prose with no chapter outline. Even those without chapter breakers have an asterisk at...
Can a 5-year-old read and truly understand what the words on the page in front of them mean? What should you do if your 5-year-old isn’t interested in reading by this time? Five-year-olds can...