The Matrix was a groundbreaking film from two relatively unknown directors that revolutionized sci-fi action films. The film was extraordinary, combining visual spectacle with deep philosophical...
Category: Reading
While we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, who actually doesn't read the cover contents before buying one? In a world that's growing more competitive daily, book authors no longer have the luxury...
Even if you consider yourself a bookworm, sometimes it can be difficult to motivate yourself to pick up a book and start reading. You may feel guilty about not spending that time differently or want...
If you're looking for a long-lost childhood book that you can't seem to find anywhere, you'll probably be able to get it on AbeBooks. The online bookstore is a platform that connects sellers with...
The CW series titled The 100 was a fan favorite, despite its dark and depressive undertones. Every time it seemed like we’d experience some joy watching the show, a beloved character would die,...
When deciding whether or not to let your child watch a movie, it's easy to look online or call the theater to get the MPA rating and know whether it's appropriate. Even TV shows and video games come...