Manga, a Japanese art form where the images tell the story, has gained popularity, particularly among younger readers. One of the biggest questions in this age of graphic novels and advanced printing technology is whether or not manga should count as books.
Manga does count as books. Some people disagree that manga counts as books, while others argue otherwise. The fact remains that manga is an art form that takes as much skill to create as any other type of literature.
If you think books are your whole world and it might be nice to see what else there is out there, then read on.
Manga Count as Books
Manga is more than cute drawings. It uses stories that can teach you about Japanese history, traditions, customs, and more. So does manga count as books? Yes, it does!
Manga has been around for a long time, and they’ve changed and evolved as well. They’re also called comics in Japanese. Today, the manga industry includes video games based on these works. They also include other developments like televised anime and even theater productions.
After all these years, they’re still one of Japan’s most popular forms of literature. It may seem like you wouldn’t learn much about Japanese culture through reading manga. However, you might be surprised by how much it could enhance your learning experience.
Reading manga will help teach you about the Japanese language, culture, and history while entertaining you at the same time! Who knew learning could be so enjoyable?
Some People Don’t Count Manga as Books
You can find plenty of people who see manga as a different medium than books. Those people would argue that reading requires more active engagement than looking at pictures. They’d say that the task is about creating an entire world in your head, whereas visual media like manga are more passive experiences.
But maybe their idea of reading isn’t entirely accurate. A novel doesn’t just tell you what something looks like. It tells you how it smells and feels and tastes and sounds, too; with words alone, you have to imagine all those details for yourself. It’s an immersive experience. So much so that many readers may fall asleep while they read!
Consider another reason why manga probably doesn’t count as a book for some people—sometimes it’s not written in Japanese. Many manga stories get translated for an international audience, especially those adapted into live-action movies or TV shows. Some manga undergo translation more than once!
I mean, look at classic manga like Dragon Ball and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. These books got first published decades ago, but they continue to be released to new audiences every year!
So if these stories don’t even take place in Japan anymore, do they still count as manga? No. Some people even say we should use a different word to describe modern translations.
Why Should We Consider Manga as Books?
Manga is, in short, comics or graphic novels that are read from right to left and generally written in Japanese. It has been popular in Japan for over 100 years; it was originally used to tell stories with visuals more easily understood by children than words. But how do manga count as books?
We should consider manga as books because it’s an art form, just like writing or painting a picture—and it involves some reading. It’s creative and often brings us vital messages about society.
Many professional writers started their careers making drawings of people or animals!
Plus, I think reading books is fun, so I’m not limiting myself to one type. I think you can gain from reading manga as much (or even more!) compared to reading non-manga books. There are many benefits to reading manga, including various genres and an appealing art style.
However, one of the main advantages is that it’s easier to read manga than other forms of books. The layout is more friendly, and there aren’t as many rules for formatting pages.
Also, if you have a vision impairment or dyslexia (or both), manga could be perfect for you—there’s often less text per page, which means less information to take in at once. On top of that, some manga collections with sound effects printed on each page and even translations for words you might not know so well yet!
Also, because manga comes in several languages and genres, it can appeal to all sorts of people. Whether your favorite subject is fantasy, sci-fi, cooking, lifestyle tips, there’s bound to be something out there just for you.
So what are you waiting for? Pick up a book already! Stories can change how you see things, even if it’s just for a little while. Isn’t that why we read them?
How Many Volumes Do You Need To Consider Manga as a Book?
Different series are different. You can read one volume in some manga and get a complete story that might only last as long as two chapters. You might have to read three books of another manga to get an entire account, but if you’re into it and it’s interesting enough, then who cares.
One volume might be enough to consider manga as a book, but one thing you shouldn’t do is judge a book by its cover. The number of volumes you need to consider something as a book is entirely up to how many you feel like reading and what genre you are reading.
Even western comics such as Batman have large runs, so don’t be quick to say that those aren’t real books because they are often highly regarded.
When I’m trying to decide whether or not something is a book is, I wonder if it tells a story. And all of my favorite manga do. Some of the manga I read even tell stories better than some of my favorite non-manga books!
In conclusion, reading manga indeed has its perks.
Some may argue that reading manga is better than reading other books, emphasizing emotion over plot and detail over text. In either case, if you love manga, there’s nothing wrong with continuing to enjoy it for what it is: stories with entertaining experiences packed in them!
Read more: When Manga Was Created? (History & Genres)